Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Spinach, Art and Experiments

In the morning, friends helped wash some spinach and dry it in the new spinner. Some friends pointed out that it was also a dehydrator, because it was taking the water out of the spinach.

The clean spinach lived in a bowl on the table, and Carol expressly told the Catbirds NOT to eat it, as it is SUPER GROWING FOOD. Despite her warnings, much of it was gone by lunchtime.

In Art Class, we worked on two different projects - painting frames for our pictures and adding color to the mural we created last time.

Outside Time!

Today's experiment involved mixing liquid starch and purple glitter glue. The Catbirds' hypotheses as to what would happen included:

"I think it might turn into Popsicles." MH
"It's gonna turn into glittery and it comes to a glitter witch and then its gonna turn into water and then the water is gonna get frozen." J
"It's gonna explode." MC
"The not glitter part is going to turn white." R
"It's going to turn into glitter and then a glittering star." LS
I think its going to turn into dust and when it turns into dust it's going to turn into snot." LH
"It might turn into hot glitter." J
"It might turn into a dragon." M
"It'll turn into a monstrous nightmare." B
"It's gonna sizzle." V
"It might turn into glue and glitter, and the glitter's going to be on the top." A

We also worked on the covers for our autobiographies - self-portraits in ink and watercolor.

There was a fort built in the dramatic play area.

And Legos.

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