Friday, January 9, 2015

Making Astronaut Food and Making Things Fly

Friends had some time for free play this morning, and put it to good use.

Then, we began our first big project - readying lots of fruit for the dehydrator. Friends scrubbed vegetables...

used straws to core strawberries...

...and cut grapes.

Meanwhile, lots of fancy building was going on - testing the laws of gravity and physics.

We took our apples out of the dehydrator. The Catbirds were eager to test out our Astronaut Food.

Friends described the flavor to Amy.

Then, we loaded up the new food (the Catbirds picked foods they wanted to try yesterday, and we got it ready today).

Meanwhile, we set a new classroom record for building height.

The Safety Crew decided that, due to the extreme height of the current buildings, everyone on the construction crew needed to wear a hat.

At Snack, we gobbled up all of the extra fruits and vegetables.

Then headed outside, where it was not so cold.

Our experimental cup of water was frozen solid!

At Morning Meeting, we learned two new games.

Connect Four - Catbirds who knew the game taught those who didn't how to play and the ways to win.

We also learned Mermaid Island, a cooperative game where the team tries to get to the island before the evil Sea Witch.

At lunch, it was Friday, so we had a Scary Story (Bum Bum BUM!!!).

After rest time, we finally launched our Wind Tube.
Friends were eager to see what would fly and what would not. It was a gleeful experiment.
Next, we unloaded the dehydrator and EVERY CATBIRD LOVED the Astronaut Food.

Have a great weekend!

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