Monday, December 16, 2013

Ice is Nice

A lovely morning, meeting and greeting.

Engaging in our favorite morning activities.

Measuring our buildings.

And ourselves.

Then it was time to practice for the big show.

After, we put on our extra warm clothes, and went to explore outdoors. The snow was completely was hard and crunchy and we could slide on it.

The pond was frozen.

There were tracks to follow.

And bits of ice in various places.

Dragon tracks.

We ate snack outside, which was not easy in mittens!

The sandpit was also covered in ice, and we had fun sliding around on it.

After Morning Meeting, we had a very busy Choice Time. We worked on our self portraits.

There was a variety of beading and building activities.

Once friends finished our more structured projects, some wonderful dramatic play emerged.

Movies were being made...

...and stories were told.

Art was created...

and stories acted out.

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