Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Visitors and New Choices

Today we signed in, with flair.

Abby, our student teacher, was here.

We drove to faraway places.

And built intricate towers.

We had Spanish with Alicia.

Songs were written.

Books were read to friends.

There were cowboys.

Outside, we tested our strength.

Morning Meeting began with a Moment of Silence and a song.

James mom and sister came to visit, and read us a most excellent book!

We got ready for Choice Time. Today's choices included:

Magnets. This was a very special and very strong magnet that Roseanne the Science teacher gave us. We set it up on the rug with ball bearings to roll near it.

Gears and Tubes: new building materials to add to our repertoire.

Games with Heidi!

Story and Song Writing with Carol.

And Sandbox and Books (always).

Then we headed outside again, for some fresh air before lunch.

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