Friday, November 1, 2013

Dance Party!

The building creativity continues to,

Morning woodpecker attack.

The magnatiles have created curiosity about what sticks to what.

A spontaneous game of Hop Spot.


A pause to sing, My Name is Joe.

"Three minutes til clean up!"

A sudden and dramatic storm.

Preparing for an inside adventure. We have free run of the auditorium...How can we have fun and be safe? Friends had lots of good ideas.

A stop at the office to give Tricia attendance and leave a note about where we are going.

The Catbirds, decoding the note.

We spot Aedin AND Jason on our way. Time for a Hug Attack!

Rolling down the hill.

There is a giant spider in the hallway. A friend lets us examine it to determine its scariness.

In the auditorium, we find April. She is a very talented builder (she builds all of the theater sets). She meets with us and tells us about the set for The Music Man. We learn a new word, "gazebo." The Catbirds explain that we are also builders, and share some of the things they have built. We talk shop.

Time for running and fun. We are fairly certain there are wild animals lurking in the auditorium, as well as traps. Catbirds immediately start to get trapped, and have to be rescued.

We read a few books.

Friends fly.

And slide.

April tells us about one of her machines, and then we watch it take her up to the ceiling!

Another theater person, Ray, shows up. We ask him to sing us a song. He does a nice rendition of the Eagle's Fight Song (it is amazing what you can talk people into when a dozen tiny people are staring at them expectantly).

The Owls come and join us, and they bring the music. We hook it up to the theater's sound system and have a DANCE PARTY!!

We head out, quite sweaty and smiling.

Back for Morning Meeting. For our Moment of Silence, we concentrate on what our face feels like when it is relaxed. We have some exciting new choices today:
A table full of magnets and metal AND
Puppy Stuff! (Bowls, brushes, leashes) to facilitate our ongoing dramatic play.

During lunch, friends notice that the sun has come out. We finish up all of our growing food and have some more run around time outside.

I believe that the Catbirds should sleep very well tonight! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

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