Monday, November 25, 2013

Back in the Class, Out in the Leaves

Which one is the shortest? Teaching a friend about measurement.

Making up a game.

Building a "skinny" building.


Some of the Catbirds hatched into baby chicks today - just when we got all set up for kittens and puppies!

Dance class.

The many names of Superman.

Music class with Aedin.

Music inspired drawings.

Coats, gloves and hats!

Running laps.

Off on an adventure - we found many, unexpected piles of leaves!

We stopped at the Farmhouse, to say hello to our friend, Carol.

We talked about why it was called The Farmhouse, and what things looked like around it, back when it was built.

We ran into a surprise parent!

Then, we went out and played, "Red Light, Green Light (Yellow Light)"

Every friend who wanted to, got to lead the game. Red Light, Green Light is a great game for this age, because it's wonderful fun and it also helps friends regulate their bodies. We also like it because all of our games end in a group hug.

It was a lot of running!

A friend brought tortellini for lunch, which meant that we got to listen to the Sesame Street Tortellini Song.

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