Friday, November 8, 2013

Giant Piles of Leaves and Rainbows

Our morning began in it's usual rhythm.

We had a number of errands to run, to set up our outing with the Owls.

Carol tried to trick friends with the countdown to clean up, but they figured it out.

Then Aedin came for music class.

We went out to get ready.

And headed off into autumn!

Our buddy, Dave the Caretaker, showed up with his new, super-powered leaf blower and made us a GIANT LEAF PILE!

The Catbirds and the Owls couldn't wait to jump in!

We had a blast!

On the way back, we taught the Catbirds a new song, I've Got Leaves in My Pants.

We had Morning Meeting upon our return. We checked out our avocado seed, to see if it was changing. We read a story, and then we noticed...

RAINBOWS! When Tom came with his big ladder, while we were gone, he not only rescued Aedin's ladybug, but he also moved our prisms up to the skylight.

Friends spent much of the afternoon finding rainbows all over our room.

In the afternoon, some friends worked on our first graph - come check it out!

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