Tuesday, September 17, 2019

People That Need Our Help: Collective Purpose in the Catbird Classroom

A busy morning.

At storytime, we gathered to read, "Nobody Hugs a Cactus."

The book didn't look like it had ever been opened, so we all had to smell it to see if it smelled like a new book. It did.

After, friends rated the book: Thumbs Down if they didn't like it, Thumbs Sideways if they sort of liked it, Thumbs Up if they liked it, and Moose Ears if they loved it! Most friends gave it Moose Ears.

After snack, we headed outside for a little time in the garden.

Then we gathered for Morning Meeting. 
Our school wide theme this year is "Collective Purpose," so we will be collecting change in our room. One of the Catbird parents has made us a very  cool way to get the money in the jug through a plinko board. All of the Catbirds gave it a try.

Then, we started brainstorming about who might need our help. The Catbirds came up with a pretty impressive list, with a few odd twists.  From here, we will work on narrowing our list and finding the means to get help to the people we choose. Whenever possible, I encourage families to help us with this project by discussing the different ways that people help each other. If there is a charity dear to your heart, please let us know. If you take things to Goodwill, that would be a great time to talk about helping people. If you have suggestions or ideas, please send me a note or come talk.

Then it was Choice Time.

We worked on our picture blocks. We mod-podged family pictures on and worked on the first letters of our names.

We also got out some shaving cream for sensory motor fun.

It is wonderful watching friends learn to help each other through difficulties.

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