Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Meeting For Worship, Why We Need Silence.

Our morning routine gets smoother and smoother.

Senior Catbirds are mentoring and taking care of younger friends in very impressive ways!


Today we had our first Meeting for Worship in the classroom. First, we asked the Catbirds, "Why do we sleep?" We discussed our bodies' need for rest and how sleep gives us energy. Friends talked about how important it is to sleep when you are sick. Then, we talked about resting your mind and body with quiet and meditation. Using a sand timer, we sat silently for 5 whole minutes - which was quite impressive for this point in the year.

We took deep breaths and watched the candlelight.

The Catbirds were very proud of themselves.

After a bit more play and clean up, we gathered to prepare for snack. Our student teacher, Vicki, led us in an exercise.Using a ceramic bowl that she made, Vicki asked each friend to say their name and then their favorite thing to eat and then pass the bowl. This was a great way for friends to learn a bit more about their new friends, to continue to learn names and to practice listening and turn taking.

We had a little time in the garden.

Friends got to check out our new mailbox.

Then we came in to get ready for Choice Time.

We had a stencil demonstration...

...and watercolors. Friends are beginning to work on the covers for their journals.

Before lunch, we had some more outside time.

And a story before lunch!

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