Thursday, September 12, 2019

Music Class!

(Some of our photos got scrambled today, so there may be a few from yesterday mixed in....)

After our jobs, some play time and a snack...

We headed off to our first music class of the year.

Keisha told us what to expect.

Then we headed in to play a whole bunch of different instruments.

We learned the hello song in Swahili.

Keisha taught us sign language for stand up and sit down and we played a stand and sit game.

Then we played a game about our place and our space.

We headed back outside where there was much happy play and Catbird teachers had a chance to do some one on one work with friends.

There is a hospital and doctors outside, with many friends being taken great care of.

Back inside, we gathered for morning meeting and had some Choice Time.

Learning and relearning our letter sounds. We are up to "C".

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