Saturday, September 7, 2019

Assembly and Choices

After we got our morning jobs done, tried out some new materials and played with friends, we headed off to our first assembly.

We sang, danced or learned the Hello Song. Then we played a game called, "Me, Too," where we stood up and said me too, if we had done the thing Andrea said (like ate ice cream over the summer).

Then, Rich played guitar and Keisha led us in singing some of our favorite songs: Peace Like A River, Sing When the Spirit Says Sing, and This Little Light of Mine.

After, we had some time to dance with the kindergarteners.

After, we headed outside to visit a couple of our favorite places to test our muscles.

We climbed, and balanced and jumped off of the wall (some friends held their teachers' hands).

Then we raced around the Farmhouse!

When we got back, we had a story and snack and headed outside again.

Inside, we had our first Choice Time. The Senior Catbirds showed new friends how to "read" the cards, using the drawings as clues. We talked about how to show you were ready to choose, and how sometimes you had to wait for a turn at popular choices - today that was washing the animals.

Friends went from choice to choice until it was time to gather again and get ready for lunch.

It was another great day!

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