The videos of our wrestling moves have been added.
We flew (and drove cars and steered ships) through the early morning, until it was time to head over to the triangle gym.
Friends checked to map, to figure out which door we should use.
Dragon tracks.
Justin met us at the wrestling room, and three of the middle school wrestlers led us through a warm up.
They showed us several ways to stretch our muscles.
We spaced ourselves out, so that we would have room to make our moves.
They taught us about a good wrestling stance.
We learned how to sprawl/fall without getting hurt (it did help that the floor is padded).
They demonstrated some impressive moves.
We learned these other cool moves, that have actual names but, its Friday and I can't remember (sorry Justin).
We LOVED our wrestling experience. The Catbirds were asking when we could go back!
We did some exploring on the way back.
We peeked into the auditorium, and some friends talked about having seen the show, Shrek, last night. We ran into a student who is in the show, and he told us a bit about his parts.
Morning Meeting, we had some new puppet visitors.
We don't have many pictures (it is hard to take pictures with puppets on), but the puppets were having a friend dilemma, which the Catbirds were eager to help them solve.
The new puppets were very busy during Choice Time.
There was some building.
Artwork using collage materials.
Letter writing.
Some time outside.
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