Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Books and Words

Morning Activities.

Spanish Class

We are learning body parts.

And salsa.

Some time for building and fancy dress.

Stories and world travel.

Clean up and a Dance Party!

After snack, the puppets came out. We tried to teach the dragon to count, so we could play Hide and Seek. He needed A LOT of help.

Then, we talked about Descriptive Words. All of the puppets went to get a thing from the room that they could hold in their mouths. 

Each puppet thought of a word to describe their object. (We are going to use more descriptive words in our storytelling).

We gathered library books and while we waited to go over, we tried to balance them on our heads.

In the library, Doris read us the last Knuffle Bunny book and an Elephant and Piggy.

She showed us a video of elephant and piggy dancing.

Soon, it was time for lunch.

At rest time, we read, The Butter Battle Book.

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