Monday, March 10, 2014

Flubber and Dragon Stories

Just after greetings and sign-in, we decided that we needed some Flubber. We haven't made it in awhile and, for those unfamiliar with it, it is a magical substance. We mixed up two bowls - one with glue and water, and the other with borax and water. 

After some discussion, we add the chosen color.

The magic happens when the two are mixed together, and voilá - Flubber!

We had lots of dramatic play this morning, and new levels of negotiations. It is amazing to watch the Catbirds figure out how to sustain this kind of play together.

After snack, we headed outside into some relatively balmy weather. We are trying to figure out how best to play in the semi-snow and semi-sludge, so mud may be part of our experience until spring really arrives.

Back inside, we had a brief Morning Meeting and moved into Choice Time. Friends were eager to play with the new flubber.

We continued working with scissors, glue and collage.

The sandbox was re-opened, after having served as a puzzle table for a couple of weeks. In addition, we worked one-on-one on our Dragon descriptions. Friends are creating their own, personal dragons, and will use their own write up as a guide to creating their drawings (we will be using the Smartboard for these creations). Friends are becoming increasingly fluent in using an ever-growing vocabulary of descriptive words (adjectives, adverbs, similes and metaphors).

Friends are also writing letters, and posting them to friends throughout the school - to be delivered by our 1st grade postal service.

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