Friday, October 25, 2013

Noticing Things

Friends are fascinated with the Geoboards, which let them make all kinds of shapes and designs. Each time someone makes a new discovery, they are eager to share it with their friends. These are excellent ways to develop fine motor coordination, as well as a growing awareness of shapes and lines.

Our stick puppets are one of the ways that friends are figuring out how to resolve conflicts. These monsters tend to have all kinds of arguments, and the Catbirds are great at helping them figure out solutions.

One of our newest building challenges is to build spaces big enough for specific creatures or activities.

Off to assembly.

Singing our Hello song.

Noticing the many colored lights.

The 4rth graders presented a film of their shore trip.

They paused the movie several time for students to recite poems about the ocean.

Snack time.

Music with Aedin.

Finishing snack outside.

Off on an adventure.

In search of big sticks.

Looking for monsters.

Listening for blue jays.

Noticing the one cloud in the whole sky.

Noticing the most beautiful tree.

Playing troll on the bridge.

Bendy things to build with.

Building with our big sticks.

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