Monday, October 28, 2013

Negotiating Play

"A hinge."

The building continues.

A memory game.

Making a steering wheel for a boat.


Gathering to learn a new song, and sing some old favorites.

Five Green and Speckled Frogs.

Negotiating on the playground. As friends become more interested and adept at playing in groups, they often need help figuring out who will do what. Amy and I are always ready to help the discussion along.

More negotiating - this time about the rules of the game.

The Catbirds are growing interested in more structured games.

Morning Meeting. We read, From Head to Toe,  by Eric Carle. We discussed how friends could recognize a book by Eric Carle, because of the way that he makes pictures.

Then, we imitated the animal movements in the book.

New Choices today included: Letter stamps and

using eyedroppers to mix colors into shaving cream.

This task is great for fine motor strength and coordination, color awareness and mixing,

and messy sensory motor fun.

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