Thursday, October 3, 2013

Music with Peter Moses & a Day Outdoors

Every morning in the Catbird room, new buildings emerge!

We have begun recording friends' explanation of their construction processes in preparation for writing a Catbird How-To book.

The following (very artistic!) photo was taken by a Catbird:

Friends like to sign in with their families and show them around the room...

Today, we joined forces with the Owl class for a very special musical performance! Friends were captivated by Peter Moses, who taught us about different instruments and new songs. We sang about fruits, superheroes, numbers, and more.
The joy and laughter in the room could not be contained!

Then we headed outside to enjoy the beautiful weather...

A perfect day for an adventure. So, we loaded the wagon with books and lunches...

Catbirds are mastering their flying skills

Friends helping friends rescue balloons from the creek...

The biggest leaf we've ever seen!

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