Wednesday, October 16, 2013

A Wonderful Energy

We had an amazingly busy and exciting day for the Catbirds.

After our morning check in and warm up...

...we headed off to our first Meeting for Worship. We met in the Music room with the Cardinals, Doves, Owls and both kindergarten classes. Cris started us off by reading The Peace Book.

Then, quite a few friends stood up to talk about Peace, and what it means to them. After, we had some time for quiet contemplation. The Catbirds did GREAT!

We closed by shaking hands and singing, This Little Light of Mine.

After all of our friends were gone, we stayed behind for some spinning on the floor, and giggling.

Outside, friends dug right in.

We came in for Snack and, before we knew it, it was time to go BACK to the music room, for music.

We marched to the beat and sang some of our favorite songs. Aedin also showed us how to sing some favorite songs in different voices.

When we got back from Music class, something amazing happened. We were going to clean up and have Morning Meeting, but the Catbirds were so intently and intensely engaged with one another, that we decided to take the video camera out and just watch the magic happen for awhile. This small clip will give you a sense of the wonderful energy in the room:

There were many buildings being built for a variety of purposes, and all kinds of animals and babies being taken care of. Friends are working together in new, more complicated ways, and there is a lovely feeling of community in the group.

Eventually, we did get around to Morning Meeting. We had a Moment of Silence, and sang our favorite song. Then, Carol and Amy put on a puppet show, where the animals were having a problem with their friend, and the Catbirds offered good advice on how to resolve it.

The Catbirds read some new words for Choice Time.

We had building with sticks and wire.

We also set up the light and screen, so that friends could explore shadows. (One friend had noticed the shadows on the screen during Music class, so we let him continue investigating in our room.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful post, Carol and Amy. Thanks for all you do. The video was terrific! It's clear why you let the kids just do some free-building together after music class.
