Friday, April 12, 2013

So Much to Do and See

We had lots to do this morning. There were repairs to be made,

bugs to be examined,

and, of course, journals to compose.

We also worked on some art projects,

and learned how to play "Concentration," using the cards we made. We matched our friends faces to their lovies (although many friends were less interested in  finding matches than they were in finding their own lovies).

There was some fairly advanced construction going on in the building area. We have a new collection of pipes and connectors that are a bit like giant tinker toys. We will gradually add different elements to these materials to see where friends' imaginations take them.

The Catbirds were also very interested in Team Puzzling this morning. Friends are learning a variety of puzzle strategies, and teaching these to their friends. We have upped the difficulty level of our classroom puzzles, and a teacher is almost always there to help provide hints when friends get too stuck. At one point, almost every Catbird was art the tables, working with friends on a puzzle.

After Snack, the Catbirds got together to decide what they wanted to do for Choice Time. Friends then helped find the card that had their choice on it and put it up for when we returned from our Walkabout. After checking the weather, we decided that an inside walk might be more prudent, so we set out to see what was going on at AFS.

We discovered many new displays. At this one, we stopped to study how it was made, and then posed ourselves like the figures on the wall.

In the Art room, we went in to see what this new machine was, and Sam explained that she was sewing costumes for Arbor Day.

We headed into the auditorium, to check out the new stage set for The Laramie Project, and took guesses about what else might be going up there (a whale, a piano, and people, were some of the guesses).

We stopped at a bench and sang a song...just because.

Everywhere that we found new art, we stopped to examine it, talk about it and figure out which ones we liked. There were new kinds of portraits in the hall.

We also stopped at a mural that we could touch.

We found some drawings in the Upper School that depicted the same human figure that we have in our room!

There were drawings of sculptures and bones - a couple of which we deemed "kinda scary."

And a display that had dog pictures that sort of looked like a friend's new puppy.

We said "hi" to our friend, Nancy, and then headed into the library. One of our favorite things to do on a rainy day is play Follow the Leader and weave all through the library shelves. We try and laugh quietly (it is, after all, the library).

Then, we stuffed ourselves into one of the study carrels, and pretended to be fish in an aquarium.

When we got to the ramp and steps by the Middle School Art room...we ran,

...and jumped down the steps. A bunch of times.

When we got back, we had our Morning Meeting. We had a Moment of Silence and then read, The Duckling Gets a Cookie?! We noticed that, when the Pigeon spoke, his sentences often ended with questions marks AND exclamation points. We decided that this meant he was YELLING his questions, so we had to do it, too. Then, it was Choice Time.
 Friends played in the sand table, read books, painted with water colors, played instruments and worked on a new design for paper airplanes. It was a nice end to the week.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

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