Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Finding the Purple

Early on, after journaling, friends were busy doing all sorts of things in the room. Many were helping set up our new Paper Airplane Research Board, by cutting and gluing and laminating. We took several trips to the faculty room and there were many questions about all of the machines in there. One Catbird was particularly intrigued by the copier. When she learned what it did, she immediately went back to the room to draw a picture, so that she could copy it. When we all went to see how it worked, we realized that the copy "didn't have any purple" (or any other colors, for that matter). We immediately went to ask Tricia how to solve this problem.

She told us about another machine that could make a copy with purple, and all of the other colors, so we made plans to go check it out later in the morning.

Meanwhile, we went back to work. There were more things to draw and glue and cut...

...sand to be sifted and poured and funneled....

...and lots of beautiful things to be built.

We also made good use of the Peace Table, negotiating a complex property dispute.

The decision to share the rocking chair looked untenable, but was apparently satisfactory to the parties involved.

At Snack, we had one of our favorites - pretzels! Generally, we don't encourage playing with food, but pretzels are an exception. There are so many things you can make with pretzels! Like glasses!

And letters!

After Snack, we gathered for morning meeting. We learned 2 more hand rhymes. The Catbirds love doing these. They enjoy first learning them, and then repeating them as fast as we can!

Then, we read a new book by Eric Carle, called Little Cloud. We noticed some of the ways he makes his illustrations, by first painting loosely, then cutting out shapes.

After the story, our friend explained her color problem and we talked about our plane to walk over to the Tyson House. Then we headed out.

On our way, we discovered "People Railroad Tracks," that were special places for us to stop, look and cross.

Our friends in Tyson House were surprised to see us. When we explained our dilemma, they quickly pitched in to see if they could help.

We put the picture in, pressed some buttons and out came...


On our way back, we came to a big field of grass and found some balls and cones left there. So, we stopped to run and play.

Friends are also becoming increasingly aware of letters and words. We have been stopping to read signs, using visual and contextual cues to figure out the meaning.

When we got back, we spent most of the rest of the morning outdoors. We read some stories, and worked on our airplane research. As well as:

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