Monday, September 24, 2012

The Catbirds Take Flight


Today a box came. It took a while to open. Inside were some fancy fans made of carved sandalwood. The Catbirds spent some time examining them: figuring out how to open and close them and how they make wind.

Some friends had fun guessing what was in the boxes.

Others found different uses for our fans.

We kept a close eye out our window, where the builders were getting set up to begin construction on our play structure.

On our way to the office to report to Tricia that all Catbirds were present and accounted for, we ran in to Catalina, and got a chance to practice, Buenos Dias, the song we are learning in Spanish.

After some hugs, and cleaning up the room, we had a quick meeting and decided to have our snack out and about. So, we all got our coats on and headed off.

We flew like airplanes to the monkey mask...

then we tried to make monkey faces.

We raced to the Puddle Tree...

and then learned how to do "Hug Attacks!"

We headed into the jungle (in the grove in front of the Meetinghouse), to climb some trees.

Since it was still kind of chilly outside, we decided to go into the Meetinghouse and have our snack in the John Barnes room. When we got there, we found some balloons and party hats. Carol knew that these were left over from a party yesterday, so we had a lot of fun sharing the balloons and trying to keep them up in the air.

Our Moments of Silence.

Then we sang some songs and Danielle served up snack - Alligator feet and eyeballs (graham crackers and apples).

Then we had a story and some more time to play. Friends are growing faster and stronger every day.

While we were in the John Barnes room, we also turned on the microphone, and some friends sang a few songs. We videotaped, and here is the link to our music video!
Note: Not all Catbirds wanted to sing today, but we are looking for a microphone for our room, so they may have other chances.

Carol went into the kitchen to fetch some errant balloons and jumped up to surprise the Catbirds. They were so scared that they made her do it about 6 more times!

On our walk back, we found some treasures. The Catbirds are beginning to notice the plants and trees around them (as well as the sticks and stones), and to make comparisons amongst them.

On our way through the Middle School, we noticed a few new things. There were birds in the window.

And a Mystery Photo...friends guessed what it was.

We also found some new artwork and everyone picked out the ones they liked best.

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