Friday, September 7, 2012

Our First Friday

The Catbirds are already growing very comfortable in our beautiful space, and many started the morning with puzzles and drawings.

We also had many of our friends pose for pictures in our tall chair. There were lots of funny faces.

Imaginations also took off today. Friends were cooks, moms, pirates and bucket-heads.

We got to spend some more time exploring the outdoor classroom. Friends are using lots of muscles to balance, run and jump.

The natural materials are giving the Catbirds a chance to ask questions and develop experiments to get their questions: "What will happen if...? How do I get this to happen...?"

Back inside, we introduced the Catbirds to their journals. Each friends has a journal that they will draw or write in every morning. When they are finish, one of the teachers will sit and ask about the picture or words, and write a description in the journal. The Catbirds were excited about having their own place to record their pictures and ideas.

We also got to spend some time in The Commons (our shared space in the center of the four classrooms). It is already a popular spot.

We are off to an wonderful start in the Catbird room!

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