Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Busy Day and a Brief Blog


...Feeding the guinea pigs...

...sharpening pencils...

...figuring out the letters in our names...

...building blocks and trucks...

Morning Meeting Moment of Silence...

The return of the white crayons, with black paper (and black crayons with white paper).

Soft clay...

Today, we read a book outside about colors, shapes and numbers.

When we got to the shape part, a friend from Kathy's kindergarten room came over to show us the shapes he had found in the tree blocks. They were circles, just like the ones in our book!

The next shape was a rectangle, so the Catbirds went on a rectangle hunt. They started to bring all kinds of shapes up on the hill.

After the story and the shape hunt were over, we realized that we could use the blocks to make sounds. We sang every song we could think of, and drummed the rhythm with our blocks.

Then we all practiced our balancing and jumping in a big line on the new stumps.

We were pretty proud of ourselves.

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