Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Putting Things Together

This morning, our cement was quite different than it was yesterday. It was hard like a rock, a different color AND we couldn't get our sticks out!

We went out this morning to talk to the builders, and see what their plan was for today. We learned their names - Marty and his son, Timmy. They told us a lumber truck was coming (we had to ask what that was). Marty explained that they were bringing the wood.

Then, he got out the "Super Secret Plans" and showed us a picture of what they would be doing. He said that he would let us know every day what their plan was, and show us some different pictures as they went along.

We went across the way to the library to leave Gwen a note (she is celebrating Yom Kippur, so she was not here today). We asked her if she could find us a book about lumber. Then, we walked down to Raji's room, so the kindergarteners could borrow our book about cement mixers.

Carol also brought in a new instrument - her guitar. It has been up in her attic for years and years. She was thinking that, since the Catbirds are so very interested in music, we could all learn about the guitar together (Raji has also volunteered to help). Today, all the friends had a chance to play it - we also got out many other instruments and played music together.

After snack, we went out for an adventure. We stopped to say hello to April. We noticed that her room looks a lot like an aquarium.

We made monkey faces.

When we got outside, we took the screams that we had put in our pockets (so that we could walk quietly through the building), and threw them up in the air. They were very loud.

We checked out the puddle tree. No puddles today, only a bit of mud.

Then, we found pine cones. We collected a LOT of them. They were a bit sticky, and we got some sticky on our hands.

We made a MOUNTAIN of pine cones.

The Catbirds found all kinds of sticks, and started to realize that many of them looked like letters. They made an "A,"...

...and some "T's".

Back in Catbird land, we practiced cutting with scissors. We looked at our scissors more closely, and realized that they had two different shaped holes. Then we figured out which fingers went where, and how to get them to open and close smoothly. This takes much coordination.

Next, we started a new art project. Friends tried to imagine what the new play structure will look like, and put our ideas on paper, using strips of paper for wood, and glue.

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