Monday, September 23, 2019

We Are Learning to Notice

We had our first Spanish class in the Spanish classroom.

We learned some names for body parts. Alicia put three pictures down and called out one of our new words and friends swatted the corresponding picture.

This is a very popular game amongst the Catbirds.

Storytime was "How Do Dinosaurs Go To School."

Room inspection.

Time outside. "We are making a cake and playing bakery."

"We were playing family and that is naptime."

We came in for library.

Getting ready for a story.

Checking out new books.

At Morning Meeting, 2 friends shared their family pictures.

They had a chance to introduce their families, and the Catbirds began to work on noticing things about their photos - like that someone in a picture had a bandaid, and someone else had an ice cream cone. 

Then it was Choice Time. 

We painted with watercolors.

Made all kinds of things with playdough.

Built ramps and garages for our new trucks.

Worked on out picture blocks.

As we gathered before lunch, we practiced our letter sounds.

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