Thursday, September 5, 2019

Getting Into the Groove

It is only Day 2, and friends are already getting good at our morning routine.

The Senior Catbirds have been great at demonstrating how its done!

Playdough is a very popular activity as friends are transitioning into their day.

The Catbirds helped sort through some puppets and stuffed animals this morning, as we figured out who should live in our room.

We had our first in an amazing number of upcoming September birthdays!

Working together to open a package.

Paula came to visit us this morning.

She got to dine with many friends.

Drawing and writing are alway part of our day.

Some of our new lovies.

Snack Time!

It was a beautiful day to be outdoors. We are seeing old friends together and new friends already becoming part of the play.

A frog came to visit us today on the playground!

Some Catbirds designed a ramp, tunnel and truck catcher, and tested it out together.

The Catbirds love feeding the guinea pigs.

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