Monday, September 16, 2019

Spanish, Art and Walkabout

A lovely Monday morning.

Alicia came in for Spanish.

Friends learned or remembered greetings.

Alicia read us a book of greetings in Spanish.

During free play, some friends were discussing babies and bodily functions... at Storytime, Carol introduced the book, "Everyone Poops."

The Catbirds laughed and squealed and "eeeewwwwed" all the way through.

At snacktime, we had a birthday celebration.

Then some time in the garden.

Next we headed to art. Amanda introduced the word "collage," and showed friends how to glue shapes on their oil pastel drawing from last class.

The Catbirds really got into the process of design.

After, we headed outside again.

Catbirds headed out for a walkabout and collected acorns.

We worked on crossing the street safely. Senior Catbirds helped young friends along.

Back in the classroom, we worked on our letter sounds. Today, we added "E."

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