Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Scales and Weights

Today, we learned how to use two different scales - one with numbers and one that balances.

We have heavy, 1 pound weights to use and we needed to weigh out single pounds of rocks in order to measure out the grit for the rock tumbler.

We talked with friends about which side was heavier, based on what was down and what was up.
Then, we worked out what the scale would look like if both sides had the same weight.

Choice time. We watercolored the paper, which we will then be using for a silk screen printing activity.

The easel was set up for friends to experiment with creating forms in two dimensions.

Friends also worked on building with leggos using a visual map.

Friends also worked on their picture blocks - adding a picture of something that makes them feel happy.

Guitars came out to serenade the bears.

We delivered Bear Witness to the middle school.

We had a Catbird birthday celebration!

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