Thursday, November 8, 2018

A Very Busy Day for the Catbirds

Signing in and getting ready for the day!

Spanish with Alicia

We learned a new game to help us learn transportation words.

In the game we pretended to be a train, a school bus, a plane, a car and a boat.

After spanish we had music with Keisha

We started off playing lots of different instruments.

We learned a new game in music as well...

it was a little like freeze dance.

After music we went to the Middle School to pick up Bear Witness.
This is us getting ready to enter the Middle School. We tried to be SO quiet in the hall that no one had to close their classroom door....

Guess what?! We did it. We were super quiet in the hall and no one had to close their door :)

We found the room that Bear Witness was visiting.

 Diana read us one of Bear Witness' journal entries 

Next we were off for a fall run.

After our run we headed back to class for snack and some free play.

Magnatiles is always a popular choice

Some of us were busy in the kitchen.

Some chose legos

Other's continued to work on figuring out what objects weigh a pound.

Some friends traced magnatiles and made art with them

Relaxing while looking at the numbers on a calculator.

Others created art on the table with magnatiles.

After free play it was time to go outside before lunch.

We had a very busy and fun Thursday in Catbird Land!

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