Monday, November 26, 2018

Back to School

After a long Thanksgiving weekend, the Catbirds settled back into the routine.

Some chose a story after morning jobs.

Others prepared some food in dramatic play.

Some friends even jumped into more jobs. Sweeping up the floor is hard work and LOTS of fun too!

Other friends practiced writing.

                                           Jessica starts with J :)
Swaddling the babies is a favorite morning activity for many.

Snack Time!

The Catbirds worked on spreading hummus on pita bread.

Spreading hummus can be tricky.

After snack we went outside before the rain came.
A few friends decorated a tree. "It's a Christmas tree"

Other friends continued to work on a favorite outdoor with mud!


A mud meal is not complete without some wood chip cookies.
Some friends filled a tray with some cookies.

Some Catbirds chose to work on their climbing skills.....


Other Catbirds played on the monkey bars.

Some continued to make bridges over puddles...

Many friends walked across this bridge, and many feet stayed dry!
Magic was even made. I'm not exactly sure what the magic was but it was something very exciting!
The creative play outside today was a beautiful thing to witness.
So much was going on.

Many took breaks to stop and talk.

Others observed the activity around them

Some friends stopped to have a little snack.

Friends worked on building something.

                What could it be?

A car!

Back inside we gathered for morning meeting. The Catbirds talked with mini Bear Witness. They discussed what makes a good story.

Carol wrote our ideas on the computer and we were able to see her ideas on the screen.

At choice time some friends continued working on self portraits.

We started working on a special art project

Some Catbirds strung beads

We played with legos.

We worked on patters.

Before lunch Maria worked on our letter sounds with us. 

It was a busy first day back!

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