Friday, November 20, 2015

Science Questions

We realized at one point today, that we had quite a few science-type questions, so we decided to go and see if we could find Rosanne the Science Teacher.

We went to the Science room, but Rosanne wasn't there.

We waited around for a bit, visiting all of our animal friends.

We even found some mouse bones that came from the owl pellets.

Since we couldn't find her, we headed back for Morning Meeting. 

We sang some new songs, and added another rhyming couplet to our Dragon Hunt poem.

Then Amy demonstrated a new watercolor technique.

At Choice Time...we read,


...made shapes with our Geoboards...

...and molded playdough.

Then, Rosanne showed up and we asked her our 3 questions.
1. Why are there blue tags on some of the trees?
2. Why are pinecones so sticky?
3. Why is the Ginko tree so stinky?

She answered the first two, and is going to do some research on the last one and get back to us.

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