Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Big Boxes and Apple Pie

We had a new fine motor game that theCatbirds were enjoying today.

And lots of building.

And a big  dark box!

Carol had fun opening all of the cards and pictures that friends made her yesterday. Everyone should get this much love when they come back from a sick day!

We were having so much fun with the big box, that we went and got another one.

The paper inside proved quite fashionable!

We decided that today would be apple pie making day, since we had so many apples.

Everyone helped get the apples ready.

We had so many apples that we decided to use the rest for applesauce.

After a bit, the big box needed some repairs and friends were right on it.

After we turned on the applesauce and put the pie downstairs in the oven, we headed out into the sunshine.

More cooking happened.

We wnt down a few times to check the pie.

Finally, it was done! After getting in a few good sniffs, we set it out to cool.

We ate our applesauce for lunch, and pie after rest time. It was an apple-licious day!

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