Monday, November 16, 2015

Dragon Hunt

The Catbirds were happy to have most everyone present and in good health today.

We started off experimenting with some new blocks.

Then it was time for Spanish.

We were off to Peru today.

Alicia created a new BINGO game to help us learn our animals and colors.

Siblings were spotted on the playground.

Some had to be called in for hugs.

The number 3, made out of banana peel.

We gathered for snack.

And headed outside.

We were off on a dragon hunt!

We buddied up to walk through the parking lot.

Stopping to see what the machines were doing.

Our friends are hard at work getting the rain garden together.

We thought that the Dargon's Nest would be gone, and were happy to see that it hasn't been touched (yet)

We used some of the burnt pieces of charcoal (from the dragon's fiery breathing), to leave messages for the dragon.

We discovered some giant dragon footprints in the mud.

We measured them with our feet.

Did I mention that we wore our Super Hero capes, just in case.

We searched all over for signs of dragons.

We are pretty sure we smelled dragon poop.

And got sticky sap on our hands.

Here we are, discovering some smelly berries that we are certain dragons like to eat.

Another giant footprint.

We came across a petrified dragon - we could tell that's what it was because of the rows of pointy scales on its back. We are not sure what happened to it.

A dragon tooth.

A small dragon's house in a tree.

Back for Morning Meeting, we started work on our Dragon Hunt Poem.

Friends are getting good at coming up with rhyming words.

Choice Time. We played with shaving cream.

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