Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Working Together

As always, the Catbirds began their morning with some very impressive building.

Alicia joined our room this morning for Spanish class

There was laughter and flying!

And we learned new words that related to the winter wonderland we have been experiencing.

After Spanish class, we returned to our regular morning routine of journaling and building.

There was some spectacular construction collaboration happening.

Soon, many more friends all worked together seamlessly to create this enormous and complicated building.

Mike did some dragon art with our Catbirds, too!

There was an urge to run, so we headed to the auditorium.

As we were leaving, we noticed something.
There were many costumed displayed in the hallway.

Friends observed in awe. Many were captivated by the very, very long dress. 
One Catbird inquired, "But how would somebody get into that dress?" We thought they might have to use a ladder.

After a needed water fountain drink, we ate lunch in the classroom and prepared for rest time.

Before naps, friends read and apparently started a hair salon.

Please Note:
Due to the forecast for Thursday, our Valentine's Day breakfast is changed to Tomorrow, Wednesday the 12th.
If you signed up to bring a snack, please bring it tomorrow.
Thank you!

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