Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Snow Inside

Wending our way through the snow and ice, we made it back to the land of Catbirds, and a very busy day.

We had Spanish with Alicia first thing, and headed off to Argentina (which I believe is a much warmer country).

We worked on our salsa moves, and even tried it in pairs.

Mike taught us the lion pose, in yoga. Pretty scary.

We had snack and a story.

Then headed to music class.

We did some of our favorite snow songs and movements.

Aedin read us a story to music, A Snowy Day.

We made snow angels!

Back in our room, we finished snack, then headed downstairs for a runabout, before heading to...

...the Library!

Another snow story!

We checked out some great books.

Friends took some time to read them and share them with friends.

Choice Time:

Hammer Art.

We brought in snow from outside, and experimented with color mixing.

Mike played a dinosaur card game with the Catbirds. Friends are figuring out the difficult concepts of winning and losing, and what it means to do both, gracefully.

We had some new giant puzzles. Then it was time for lunch, more stories and rest.

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