Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Mail and More

Our new clock puzzle was quite intriguing to friends this morning, as they worked on numbers and time - associating different clock times with what they might be doing then (i.e. dinner time, brushing teeth time, bedtime).

There were a number of musical interludes.

Building and driving.

And work on the Wacky Word Wonder.

Then, Lily's dad came to teach us about wrestling. We went into the library to watch a video on the Smartboard.

First, he told us about wrestling as a sport. How is was done only it certain ways and specific places, to keep it safe.

We watched wrestlers from AFS.

Then, we got to ask questions and learn some of the rules. Next, we had a chance to try on the equipment - wrestling shoes, knee pads and head gear.

We looked good!

Back in the room, there was some very imaginative play going on.

We had snack.

We headed downstairs for Choice Time: Puzzles, Building, Stories and many different games.

After lunch, we read some more stories from, The Sneetches (it is Dr. Suess' birthday this week!). Then, we introduced the First Grade's new mailing system, and delivered the first letters to friends. We will set up our letter writing station tomorrow, and go to the first grade to buy stamps.

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