Thursday, November 7, 2013

Learning to Ask Questions and Find Answers

Yesterday afternoon, some of the Catbirds went to the printer to pick up stories that we had written. When we got to the copier, we found a strange piece of paper that had been left on the copier. It said, "Shut the Box," at the top and it had the numbers one through 12 on it, inside boxes. Friends wondered what it was, so we went in search of who it belonged to. We went into the First Grade room, and the teacher, Susan, said it was a math game that you could play with dice. She told us how to play it, and even gave us some dice, so that we could try it in our room.

The Catbirds were eager to give it a try. We took turns rolling the dice, and then counting the dots. Whatever number we got, we had to find the number on our paper and color it in. The goal is to fill in all the numbers on the page. We helped each other count and find numbers, and decided that we like this game, and are going to teach it to all of our friends.

We visited a lot of classes today (a favorite activity), and got many questions answered. First, we had to find out whether or not there was an assembly this morning. Friends are excited to go to other rooms, and are working on being able to ask the questions themselves. This involves a whole range of skills, from waiting until the person we want to talk to is ready to talk to use, to getting up the courage to ask a question of someone we don't know so well. Then, we have to make sure the question is clear and that it's loud enough AND we have to listen to the answer. It's quite a complex task, and friends are very proud when they get it all done! After we found out that there wasn't assembly, we were asked to deliver this news to all of the EC classes!

We also had to go talk to Amanda, to see about Art. We ended up moving our Art Class to next week, because there was so much going on in our room today.

There was castle building.

Many friends did extensive work in their journals.

Many new building designs are emerging, and the Catbirds have become eager to share their building secrets with one another.

There was also the beginnings of a research project, that involved asking questions in every class in the Lower School. Keep tuned in, as we work to expand our data.

Friends were actively reading to, and with, one another.

Friends also helped each other sign in - giving advice and assistance on the more difficult letters.

Friends asked about the level on the tripod, and used estimation to define it's height.

There were sticker...everywhere.

The monster puppets tried to work out an ongoing argument (with the help of Mom monster).

Friends figured out how to use our puzzle shapes as shape stencils.

For snack, we tried avocado (or some of us did), and decided to try and plant the giant seed.

Outside, Raji's class was getting the milk out of a coconut. They told us about it.

Morning Meeting began with a Moment of Silence, and some songs.

Then, Carol told a story using some puppets and props.

It was a classic tale of adventure, getting lost in the forest, and a lost dragon baby.

The Catbirds were very entranced.

Especially when the dragon mama swooped in to rescue her baby!

Then it was Choice Time.

After lunch, we listened to the Sesame Street Tortellini Song (which we do whenever someone has tortellinis for lunch).

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