Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Fairies and Flubber and Music, Oh My!

We began our day with a routine sign-in, book-reading, and block-building.

Suddenly, a butterfly fairy appeared to us!

Tuning the guitar...

and making some music

In no time, the Catbirds flew off to Meeting for Worship in the music room.

We joined the Owls for a story about Meeting For Worship. After sharing a focused silence, we shook our neighbors' hands and sang "This Little Light of Mine."

Friends helped each other put on a lost shoe...

We enjoyed snack in the beautiful weather...

And back to the music room we went, for class with Aedín...

In rhythm with Aedín's drumming, we inflated like big, giant balloons.

Back in the classroom, we read If You Give a Mouse a Cookie and had choice time before lunch.

We demonstrated new stencils...

"It was gooping down!" 
"It was like play dough"

 With the plastic tools, friends can cut and make different shapes with the flubber. 
"I make a 'T'! Now I made an 'I'"

Heidi brought in some of her ever-popular games...

Some reading before naptime.

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