Thursday, November 21, 2013

All Kinds of Buildings

"Look! It says catbird!"

As is typical in the Catbird room, building complex structures begins early in the morning.
Throughout today, though, several different buildings were constructed in ways we have never seen before. It was very exciting to witness.

"A garbage truck space ship"

Balance is an important part of building, so friends are always analyzing and experimenting with the sturdiness of their structures.

We headed outside early today to take advantage of the sun! 

There was face painting...

And races...

And digging for dinosaur bones...

And suddenly, friends began riding horses!
With big sticks, they trotted across the pasture of wood chips.

More face painting and riding horses...

Then, we were back inside where the building began again.

We even measured the heights of our buildings because they became very tall.

At morning meeting, we read a story and then headed for choice time...

With the Connectors, friends built some very interesting structures. 
"It's my flower"

"I made this ship by building the connectors this way.  I'm making the steering wheels. They help it roll. It's going to go to China Town to pick up some food."

Lots of different types of building today - in addition to the Connectors, we worked with Hammer Art, too. 

Playing house

"It shoots off fireworks!"

An important phone call...

At the end of lunch time, we got to video chat with Carol over FaceTime!
Since she has been away, the Catbirds are missing her. We're excited to talk to her again tomorrow and hear more about the conference.

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