Friday, September 6, 2013

We May Have Read a Gazillion Books Today!

After morning sign in (which the Catbirds are getting really good at)...

...we had some time for building,

and some puppetry.

We took some time to consider how it would feel to have your lunch dropped on your head. After we listed all the things we eat, and whether we would want them raining down on our heads (and we laughed and laughed), we decided that we should feed the guinea pigs in their mouths and not drop the grass on their heads.

We cleaned up the giant mess we had made with all of our building and exploring, and then sang our new favorite song, "I Have a Friend."

Then, because it was a nearly perfect day, we headed outdoors.

Friends are working hard to master the monkey bars - building upper body strength and coordination.

Friends worked together as teams to get things done, and created characters and stories for dramatic play.

There was music being made, and apparently sea monsters loose on the playground.

At the request of one of the Catbirds, we had a "picnic" snack.

We noticed that the pond was low, and the hose was not connected, so some friends brought water out in was quite the project.

Then there were the books. All day, the Catbirds asked for books, and all day we read books. Sometimes we read to a few, and sometimes EVERYBODY was there!

One book had sharks in it and, each time we found one, the Catbirds screamed and ran.

I am pretty sure we read a gazillion books today - which made for an excellent day!
Have a great weekend and we'll see you all on Monday!

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