Friday, September 20, 2013

Beads and Connecters

Yesterday, friends decided that they would like to take responsibility for helping to wake up friends from their naps. We talked about the ways that people like to be awakened, and each Catbird chose a friend and made a plan. Some friends talked friends awake, others read them books, and some tried tickling. There was great glee when eyes opened and, some enjoyed the attention so much that they pretended to be asleep for a very long time. It was lovely to see the Catbirds take such tender care of each other.

Our building projects continue to grow in number and complexity.

The Catbirds enjoy working together on these projects.

Amy was out sick today, so we had Mike join us, from the Owls room, for much of the morning.

A committee got together to order our snacks for next week. We counted the fruit and crackers that we still had left and looked at how many of each thing other classes were ordering. Then, we surveyed our friends to see which snacks they liked best and agreed on the number of each item to order. Friends took turns typing the numbers into the spreadsheet on the computer.

Our rubber chicken eats a lot of sand.

Mike shows the Catbirds his foot tatoo.

Outside, we took turns hiding a special rock, and friends took turns finding it.

Morning Meeting.

Demonstrating new Choices: Beading

The Catbirds decided that these should be called, "Connecters."

New materials for building.

Kitchen was serving.

Beading was popular - a great fine motor activity.

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