Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Wandering Far and Wide

The Catbirds signed in all at once, today. Friends are working hard at writing their names and taking great pride in their growing abilities.

Early morning reading.

In disguise.

The Bilibo (more about this later).




Drum circle.

The Bilibo, as disguise.

Snack - counting crackers.

Incline plane - using a simple machine

A simple machine, with extra help.

Our first playdough and our first color mixing.

A playdough dragonfly.

Reading to a friend.

Getting ready for our walkabout - the introduction of the squirting water bottle.

Our acorn collection has expanded to a variety of seed pods. We are going to the library to figure out  what they are.

A stop off at the Big Kids' Playground.

Racing across the field.

Catching some Catbirds in a net.

Thirsty squirts.

A double acorn!

Young artists at work.

Clean up crew.

A ghost in the classroom!

Tomorrow, we will have our first music class with Aedin!
Also, it is suppose to be VERY hot, so we make take our outdoor exploration down to the creek. We will wear our rainboots, but experience tells me the chance of wet clothing is near 100 percent.

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