Today was the second day of the Catbird's using their photography skills to take portraits of one another. Yesterday, we introduced them to the tripod, and then we set up a photo area outside. Friends who were interested had to go and find a subject (or two or three), get them set, give them directions and take pictures!
It has been amazing watching the process. And wait until you see the results! The portraits are truly stunning, and will soon be posted in our room.
Today, at journal time, several friends needed new journals, and some parents stepped in to do the artwork. We may have to start parent journals, just for an outlet to all of the talent.
Friends spent some time with the new books from yesterday's library trip.
After Snack, we headed outside. The Catbirds are finding new ways to play together.
Photography was popular.
Another recently developed game involves running together with the ribbons.
Dramatic play has moved outside, and has grown more complicated, as babies alternate between being relatively helpless, and racing around at incredible speeds.
We also had music outside: both playing on the xylophone and on the auto harp.
Some new building structures went up - the tallest ones seen yet this year.
Friends have had an growing interest in the living, and previously living, creatures outdoor. So, at the request of the Catbirds, we gathered up books, binoculars and magnifying glasses and went in search of creatures. We are most interested in finding the elusive Catbird - which has only recently migrated back to the area.
We paused in the big field for a Moment of Silence, and were amazed at what we could hear. There were kids yelling, and birds singing and a noise that some friends initially thought might be a monster, but turned out to be a lawn mower. We took some time to watch the clouds, and spotted some birds - tiny sparrows, robins in the grass and a giant buzzard circling in the sky. No Catbird.
We read a dinosaur book.
Then headed off in search of bugs.
We found some butterflies, some strange plants, and some ants.
We discovered some prickly plants, and found out that you could touch the spiky parts, if you were very careful. We found another plant that had what looked like glue inside, and decided to take it back to see if it worked like glue.
We found some tree seeds, and took them back to the room to look at the seeds.
It was a lovely adventure, but still, we have not found the mysterious Catbird!
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