Saturday, May 11, 2013

Español con los Catbirds: Familia (Family)

¡Bienvenidos! During our previous clase de Español, it was Mason’s turn to choose our destination to a Spanish speaking country. After our traditional morning greeting, he suggested we head to Columbia.

vocabulary words:
buenos dia – good day
¿Cómo estás?  - How are you?
¡Muy bien, gracias! - Very well, thank you!
dónde – where
vamos – going
hoy - today
por favor - please
levantence - stand-up
carro - car
bote - boat
 bicicleta - bicycle
tren – train
avión– airplane
alas – wings
vuela– fly
sientencen - sit
círculo - circle
muéstrame - show me

Once we arrived and gathered in a círculo, we each took a turn at tossing a big die that represented a different number on each of its six sides. Once we tossed it, we were encouraged to say the Spanish word that described the number it landed on. Although it was a bit challenging for some friends to remember the Spanish vocabulary for the number it landed on, they knew exactly what to do to figure it out; count the happy face stickers, one-by-one.

vocabulary words:
qué - what
múmero – number
es – is
cuenta – count
uno – one
dos – two
tres – three
cuatro – four
cinco – five
seis - six
pasalo – pass it

Afterwards, with a little help from our friend, Perrito, we were introduced to the Spanish vocabulary that describes some members of a family. We read Gladys Rosa-Mendoza’s book, “My family and I – Mi familia y yo.” In the story, Emma introduced us to all the members in her family.

vocabulary words:
conocer – meet
familia – family
padres - parents
Mamá y Papá – Mom and Dad
Hermana y Hermano – Sister and Brother
 Abuela y Abuelo – Grandmother and Grandfather
 Tío y Tía – Uncle and Aunt
Prima y Primo - cousins
 perro – dog
gato – cat
amor - love

We finished our class with our traditional ¡Adios. Hasta luego! song and Mason squeezing la vaca. ¡Gracias, Mason!

vocabulary words:
adios – good-bye
hasta luego – until later
gracias– thank you
de nada– you’re welcome

¡Hasta nuestro proximo viaje!


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