Friday, May 10, 2013

A Day in the Sunshine

We began our day with journaling, and making sure that all of the Catbirds were adequately slathered with sunscreen for our day.

Then, it was time for Spanish with Alicia! We headed to Columbia on our imaginary planes and worked on our numbers and family members.

After snack, it was time to get packed up to go on our adventure.

We loaded up the wagons, met up with the Owls, and were on our way!

There were many dandelion wishes to make along the way, so we managed to plant about a gazillion seeds as we went.

We stopped to climb trees.

And pick some more flowers.

Then we buddied up and headed across the road.

Once we got there, the climbing, running, rolling, jumping, chasing and house playing adventures began. We found butterflies and bugs to examine and games to play.

We took a brief break for a second snack and water, because we needed to. The time went so fast, we could not believe it was time to go!

We loaded up the wagons again, took one last run down the hill, and headed back for a much-needed lunch and rest.

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