Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Terra Cotta experience

Morning fun!

 Today in Art class friends worked with clay. Catbirds had so much fun kneading and shaping the terra cotta clay to create a sculpture that later they will paint.

Because of the rain we went downstairs to run a little bit and to play with balloons, later the Cardinals joined us.
Catbirds were happy to share the balloons with them.

One of the choice time activity was "collage". The teachers distributed construction paper shapes to the group of kids at the table, then friends assembled the geometric pieces to build a fire truck.
Soon, a firefighter will visit the Catbird room so we want to have some knowledge in advance.

 Friends having fun with legos. Catbirds were very creative, they built farms, houses, bridges and more!

 Self portraits: Friends love to observe their faces on a mirror and draw their own features on a paper.

 A friend trying to "capture" the best of his smile!

 Friends with duplos and magnatiles.

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