Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Working as a Team

We have finally gotten the rock tumbler working again and we opened up our rocks after medium grit.

They look pretty cool.

We did a team building/communication exercise with the Catbirds today. They were paired up randomly and had to work together to build something. This is not a simple task and one that requires communication and compromise, to name just a couple of the requisite skills.

It was fascinating to see them work out their ideas and to struggle with what it means to really do a task as a team.

After, we all went around to each building to hear about what each team had done and how they had worked with one another.

This was so beneficial that we hav decided that it will be the first of many such tasks for the Catbirds.

After a story and snack, we headed to art class. Donna was our substitute teacher today.

We did paper mosaic frames.

Then we headed out into the sunshine!

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