Friday, March 1, 2019

A Snowy Dance Party Kind of Day

Today the Catbirds were surprised by a 2 hour delay. 
We signed in and played 

Some chose the sand table after signing in

Some read a story with a special person before starting the day.

With it being a very short day we decided to keep the same jobs from yesterday. Here are some friends doing attendance.

Music was a popular free time choice

Others chose magnatiles and cars

While others decided to try out some dramatic play

After free play we had a dance party. We moved like firetrucks after reading a fire truck book.

We danced to a song by Greg and Steve called "Freeze"

For our last song we moved like animals!

After all our dancing it was time for lunch! Good thing because after all that dancing we were hungry!!

Here is a link to "Animal Action"  one of the songs we danced to. Enjoy 😀

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