Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Assembly, MFW, Art and Brick Making

Early this morning, some friends accompanied Bear Witness to the upper school assembly to encourage them to invite our friend to their classes and events.

After, we went to check in with our 4rth grade buddies to see if they were going to meeting for worship with us.

They were. The walk over was sunny and chilly.

New buddies met.

We had some play time.

Kim and our Snack Helper, putting out our menu for today. 
We have begun playing a game at snack time, called, "What Would Your Name Be if it Started with the Letter ?" Today's letter was "D", and friends had to sound out their new names. (When Maria comes in at noon, they all rush over and greet her by her name for today - Daria - and then she has to guess our letter and call everyone by their new name.)

After snack, we had a dance party until it was time to head to art class.

The room was set up very strangely!

Amanda showed us how we could pain on the plastic sheets that were hung on the stools.

It was a great painting activity!

Back in the room, we read "Woolbur."

Carol showed friends the finished brick mold and explained how we were going to push and smoosh the clay in to make more bricks for our 3 Little Pigs house. We filled it up again at a brief Choice Time. Then, it was already time for lunch!

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