Tuesday, January 15, 2019

A Very Special Delivery

This morning, the Catbirds filled Bear Witness' wagon with bags of trail mix and a basket of oranges. They carried the "You Can Do It" poster and a small sign that read, "Please Take One," love, The Catbirds.

We headed into the Upper School and searched until we found a bear who looked a close relative of Bear Witness and some other, smaller bears.

Bear Witness was all set.

One our way back, we stopped to tell Susan about our adventure. Susan asked us to send us a photo (Susan is the person who gave us Bear Witness).

Back in our room, friends all got out books and began reading aloud. There were way more readers than listeners, but this did not deter our friends.

Some stime outside, slip and sliding up and down the ramp.

At morning meeting, we had an acted-out version of, "The Little Red Hen." 

By request of some of our Senior Catbirds, we got out the body socks. These make for wonderful sensory play, and some really strange photographs.

We had writing and drawing in shaving cream...

...and trampoline to round off what was a total sensory motor choice time.

The story table was open as friends re-enacted our The Little red Hen.

At the end of the day, we went to pick up Bear Witness and every treat was gone!

One of the upper school teachers sent us some pics of students enjoying the bounty.

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